In Car, Car Finance

For most people living in Australia, having a car is a basic necessity that they simply cannot afford to live without. The problem is that buying a car is no small investment. Aside from buying a home, buying a car is one of the biggest financial investments a person will make in their lifetime.

However, to get the best loan possible, it is important to compare car finance. Varsity Lakes residents have the option of using companies like iCREDIT to help them do just that.

Although we at iCREDIT can do most of the hard work for you, let us take a look at some of the things that one should consider when trying to get a good deal on a car loan.


Like with any loan, the terms will immediately be better if you can put down some cash upfront. By doing this, you will reduce the loan amount and interest that you have to pay back, thereby also reducing your monthly instalments.

Moreover, by putting down a lump sum upfront, you are communicating to the lender that you are a lower risk and therefore deserving of better rates. Since you have already invested a significant amount of your hard-earned savings, you are more likely to take greater care in ensuring your investment is not wasted by defaulting and losing the car. It also signals to the lender that you actually have money and that such a purchase is within your means.


Putting down cash upfront will improve your standing in the eyes of lenders, which could lead to you being offered more favourable interest rates.


Many lenders have additional fees to consider, such as entry and exit fees, early settlement fees, monthly administrative fees and more. It is very important to carefully compare these fees to try and find the one with the best balance between fees and interest rates.

While you might not be able to avoid all of these fees entirely, finding a lender that will minimise them can make a significant difference in how quickly you will be able to repay your loan. The fewer fees you have to deal with and the less expensive they are, the more you can focus on paying off the loan itself.

Contact iCREDIT today to see how we can help you compare car finance options in Varsity Lakes. Drive your dream car today!

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