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Having a swimming pool used to be considered something that only the rich could afford. But in this modern day, getting swimming pool finance in Brisbane is more accessible than ever. Here are several tips to ensure that you get approved for a swimming pool loan this summer.

Boost Your Credit Rating

The first thing that any financial services provider is going to look at when you apply for a swimming pool loan is your credit history. The sketchier your credit history is, the less likely you will be approved. If you do end up being approved with a poor credit history, the more likely your loan terms will be unfavourable.

It can be challenging, but not impossible, to improve your credit history if you use a targeted approach. One very efficient strategy is to make sure all outstanding debts are paid in full before taking out smaller lines of credit and making sure they are paid back promptly and completely. This could include things like cell phone and clothing store account repayments, among other things.

By establishing a history of responsible financial behaviour, you will be able to improve your credit rating and become a more attractive option for lenders. Lenders may be concerned if you have a bad credit rating or no credit history because you will appear to be a higher-risk borrower.

Save, Save, Save

Your chances of getting approved for a swimming pool loan will be significantly increased if you have some savings to put toward a down payment. This lowers the risk factor for lenders and will thus improve your chances of securing a loan.

Additionally, it will assist you in obtaining lower interest rates and shortening the loan repayment period, thereby lowering the overall cost of the swimming pool. Therefore, the more you can funnel into a down payment, the better.

Attach Collateral

Swimming pool finance is inherently attached to physical property and will enhance the overall value of your home when it is completed. By attaching your house as collateral to the loan, you can stand a better chance of securing a swimming pool loan. Lenders will be more confident in providing you with the funds if they can feel assured that their investment will be returned.

If your home is already paid off, this is the most beneficial position to be in because the asset is entirely yours and can be leveraged against the pool loan’s value. If your house is not fully paid off, it can be leveraged against the value of the mortgage that you are currently paying.

Temper Your Ambitions

Borrow with patience and be realistic about your situation. By ensuring that you do not overspend with an overly elaborate pool, you will increase your chances of getting approved.

Extremely large and expensive swimming pool designs will significantly increase the cost of the loan that you need to acquire. To increase your chances of being approved for a swimming pool loan, adjust your ambitions by opting for a smaller swimming pool that meets your needs without being overly elaborate.

There are various materials from which a swimming pool can be built, with varying costs attached to each. Consider the more cost-effective options so that you can lower the upfront costs as much as possible. As a result, the lender will have more faith in you as a responsible spender because you will have proven that you are financially prudent.

Here at iCREDIT, we can help you get swimming pool finance in Brisbane by comparing loans to find the best possible deal. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you achieve your dream of owning a swimming pool.

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